
posted in: Artist Features

Jesus rock may seem like a niche market, but Christian/gospel music sales last year amounted to nearly half a billion dollars, according to the Christian Music Trade Association. That’s nothing to scoff at, even if your tastes lean towards the more agnostic. Wichita’s The Lost Colors wear their Christianity with pride, but their turbo-charged pop-rock is palatable for both saints and sinners. Say OK begins with big, meaty guitars that send up banks of fuzz for singer Ellie Gorman to power through, while arcs of keys and chugging riffs up the urgency. Turn Around, with its spinning chorus, has just as much aggression, this time turned inward. But Blame veers from introspection to incrimination, challenging the listener to take stock of his or her actions and quit foisting the blame on others. The Lost Colors steep their rock in stormy hues. Which makes sense, because when your soul is at stake, things can sometimes seem a little bit bleak.