Those Who Rock The Keys Need Your Judging Expertise

posted in: OurStage Updates

Admit it. You’re a sucker for a good piano melody. No matter what genre of music we’re listening to, the sound of a piano is always nice to hear. Well, guess what? It’s National Piano Month, so we recently asked all of you OurStage artists to submit your awesome songs (featuring the piano, of course) to our “Kick Up The Keys” Competition, and now it’s time for all you piano lovers to judge!

Head over to the “Kick Up the Keys” Channel to discover some new favorites and judge the music you love! There’s something for everyone, from R&B to indie pop to traditional country. You can start right now, but remember that judging ends on September 30th. So to all of you who love the keys, show us what you likeā€¯your picks could end up on our “Kick Up The Keys” Playlist which will be available to download for free!