Live Wired: Female Vocalists Take The Stage in Pro Performance Videos

posted in: Features

We’re exploring the world of Pro Performance Videos here on OurStage once more for this week’s Live Wired, and have come up with some wonderfully unique live footage from a couple of different female vocalists. Both artists have beautiful voices that are captivating, even when watching their videos through the computer screen. While both performances are on the simpler side, this approach only enhances their talents and helps to shine a light on both their songwriting skills and connection with the audience. We were lucky enough to get the chance to talk to these artists about their respective performances as well as their experiences with live music, and gain some insight into their backgrounds as musicians.

First up, we have Tina Lundelius from Maryland, who is new to the world of live performance, but certainly is fitting in quite well. Having already won many awards for her songwriting, she’s gotten the chance to play in huge music cities including Nashville and Los Angeles. In the video below, she’s performing her song “Live Life Wide” with just an acoustic guitar. It’s nice and refreshing to see a quiet performance, but one that’s filled with emotion shown through both her face and voice. While Tina told us that she puts a lot of effort and preparation into each performance, especially this one, she likes “for each performance to be unique and slightly different from the last so I like to feed off the audience’s reaction”. She is focused on really connecting with her audience through her music and tries to “make them feel like I’m not just standing in front of them and playing some songs”. We were especially intrigued to hear about the differences between American and European audiences, as Tina is currently in England performing her music. She explained that “Europeans are just interested in fresh and talented music” and that while in America, audiences can sometimes come across as rude, she told us that “entire pubs will go silent when I begin to play”.

Our second artist is Alfa from New Jersey, who caught our attention with her performance of  “Isabelle” at the Highline Ballroom in New York City. The show was also a talent competition, in which Alfa won 2nd place! Another fairly simple performance, she takes the stage with just an acoustic guitar and fellow musician Jon McElroy playing the upright bass. It’s fantastic to watch her perform and to hear how great her voice comes across live; she has such a unique tone. Because the song is normally performed with a full band, Alfa explained that “as a duo, there was a lot more back-and-forth, unspoken communication necessary” and that the off-tempo nature of the song took a lot of practice. She also enjoys connecting with the audience, and explains that “something about ‘Isabelle’ makes listeners simmer down and pay attention”.

Check out and judge these great videos and more on the Pro Performance Videos Channel and let us know if you have any other favorites!