Watch The Hype: How Kanye and Jay-Z Are Creating a Storm of Anticipation

posted in: Music NewsUrban

If you have an Internet connection, chances are you’ve heard of Watch The Throne, the collaborative album between hip hop heavyweights Kanye West and Jay-Z. First announced as a five-track EP last October, the project became more ambitious and was soon reported to be a full-length album. The duo dropped the single “H.A.M.” in January, with the album set to be released sometime in the spring. Spring passed, and still no word from either on Kanye or Jay-Z on any release date for the album. Rumors started popping up that the two would drop the album on July 4th without any promotion in order to prevent leaks. The Fourth of July came and went, and still no album. Three days later, Jay-Z held a private listening party with a select group of music journalists. Jay explained that the album was a work in progress and that songs and track listings could change before the official release. Any recordings or tweeting during the event was forbidden. The next day, music writers who were lucky enough (like our own Cortney Willis) to get an invite posted their thoughts on the tracks they heard, but there was still no word on a release date.

They even have matching outfits!

I guess you could say it’s kind of a big deal. It’s no surprise considering the duo released two of the biggest albums of the last two years. Jay-Z’s 2009 album The Blueprint 3 has sold over 1.9 million copies, and Kanye’s 2010 effort My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy has sold 1.16 million copies. But why do we have to wait so long to hear this thing? According to Jay, the long wait can be attributed to the fact that they have recorded three different versions of the album, with both parties having multiple changes of heart as to the artistic direction the album should take.

So what have the two achieved with all the delays and secrecy? Anticipation, hype and lofty expectations. Letting a select few hear the album while telling the rest of the world they have to wait just makes people want to hear it more. The fact that the album has gone through three different iterations to make it “perfect” gives it much higher expectations in the eyes of the eagerly awaiting fans. Fortunately for us, the wait is nearly over, as the duo just announced the official release date: August 8th. And there’s even more reason for fans to get excited, because the two have announced that they will be touring North America together. With everyone and their grandmother watching”and waiting”for the Throne, here’s hoping that it will live up to all the hype. If there’s anyone in the industry that can do it, it’s ‘Ye and Jay.