Demi Lovato Premieres "Heart Attack" Video

posted in: Music News

After a handful of teasers and late night appearances pop singer Demi Lovato has released the official video for her new single, “Heart Attack.”

The transition from innocent Disney star to adult people take seriously and treat like a professional is historically plagued with pitfalls. Many attempt to grow with their audience (and their own age), but only a select few ever succeed. With “Heart Attack,” Demi Lovato is officially launching the “new her.” This song and video are the equivalent of when Britney Spears went from her innocent schoolgirl look to the scantily clad and confidant woman of her later videos, only with less sexual undertones (and studio manipulation). You can view the video below.

If it were up to me, I’d say “Heart Attack” proves Lovato has what takes to build a sustainable career in pop music. The hook is huge and the beat makes you dance, but neither resort to the top40 standard to achieve this effect with the listener. “Heart Attack” is a song, not just a 120 tempo and twenty-or-so catchy lines, but a real song with emotion and thoughts to convey. If that doesn’t deserve to top the pop charts, I don’t know what does.