Pussy Riot Member Reportedly In Serious Condition, Family Denied Access

posted in: Music News

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, of the Russian punk group Pussy Riot, has reportedly been moved from her prison to an affiliated hospital, more than seven days after beginning a hunger strike. Her lawyers and family have been denied contact with her so far.

The 23-year-old Tolokonnikova, along with two of her bandmates, staged a peaceful protest in a Moscow church in February of 2012, in objection to the church’s support for President Vladimir Putin. In August 2012, the three women were convicted on what appeared to be trumped-up charges, and sentenced to two years imprisonment. Band member Yekaterina Samutsevich had her sentence suspended on appeal.

Just over one week ago, Tolokonnikova released a letter, published in The Guardian, announcing her intention to begin a hunger strike, to bring attention to what she described as human rights violations in her prison. Prison officials have allegedly been pitting her fellow inmates against her, punishing her for her high profile and outspoken complaints, and she has asked to be transfered to a different prison. Russian corrections officials deny the charges.

Tolokonnikova is reported to be in very poor condition, while her family and lawyers attempt contact and fear for her safety.