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Current reigning champs of the OurStage Metal Channel, Uncrowned, have been around the block a few times. Straight from the school of hard knocks, they have a take-no-prisoners attitude, and are dead-set on making it in the music business. We recently caught up with one of the founding members, Jack, to talk about the band’s current situation, and where the band is headed.

Stephen poised and ready to ROCK
OurStage: First things first, any words to say about your recent win in the OurStage Metal Channel?
Jack: We are thrilled to be honored with the win. OurStage is growing and we would love nothing more than to grow along with it. We added another song so hopefully people dig it as much as they did Remember Your Ghost
OS: Out of all metal winners in recent memory, I think you guys finished the highest out of any metal winners in the grand prize finals. I think it’s safe to say this can be attributed to the vocals, where does Stephen [lead vocalist] draw his influence from?
J: Stephen comes from an R&B background, growing up homeless in the south, singing for money on the street, those are his roots hence the reason he has so much soul.
OS: Speaking of your sound, you guys are in the studio recording a new album. How is that going?
J: Pretty amazing actually, we are recording in an incredible studio called Sonica Recording here in Atlanta. We have a couple of guests playing on some songs, we can’t wait to share our new stuff with the world.

Jack getting his shred on
OS: I heard a rough sample of one of the new songs. Sounds awesome, and it a bit heavier than your current stuff. Any story here?
J: I have always been a metal head, so I’ve been working on writing songs in that direction for a while, I believe music is headed in that direction and I’m loving it! Even though the songs are heavier, the vocals are more melodic and beautiful.
OS: How is the whole studio process going so far? Easier than the times before?
J: It’s been pretty grueling, this batch of songs are a bit more of a challenge for all of us than any of the ones before, they are technically more complex and faster, it also represents a personal challenge because I’m producing the record.
OS: Back in May you guys go signed to Florida-based Bieler Bros. records. Care to tell us the story here?
J: We were fortunate to win a contest and Bieler Bros. offered us a contract, after 5 months of negotiations, we came to an agreement, we’re very fortunate and happy to be part of the Bieler family.

Scott getting groovy with the bass
OS: Looking at your OurStage Fan Club, you guys sport some pretty impressive numbers. Any ideas why those didn’t translate to immediate huge success?
J: We’re still a baby band, we have to prove ourselves in the market place before huge success come along. After the record comes out, I have no doubt success will follow.
OS: Regardless, you guys are going strong. The folks at Bieler Bros. are treating you well?
J: Yes, they are very supportive and they believe in the music. In today’s music economy, that means more than cheap talk and broken promises.
OS: From reading about you guys in Spin back in ’07, you guys have been through some stuff. Any advice for bands out there trying to get along in their own way?
J: We have been through a lot, the best advice I have is to find band mates that are like brothers to you, and always use humor as the catalyst for any situation, good or bad.
OS: That being said, what has been the defining moment in your careers so far?
J: Honestly, I don’t think it has come yet, but when it does, I’ll make sure to tell you.
OS: One last, seemingly random, question: If you could play a dream show with any bands/artists in history, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?
J: That’s a tough one, I think personally, I’d love to tour with Slipknot, they have been a huge influence on me, and they put an amazing live show.

What a happy bunch of dudes
Uncrowned are battle-hardened in the world of music, and by the sign of things, it is serving them well. It is astonishing how a band with so much exposure has not caught a break in terms of finding mainstream success. Looking at their one-sheet, they tout many accolades in term of radio play and music features in video game trailers, on MTV reality TV shows, etc.”as the band claims, “you have definitely heard us before.” By the sound of the new album, and in conversation with Jack, the band seem really poised to make waves with the new album they are recording. Whether they are a baby band or not, the new album will be a defining moment in the history of Uncrowned, for better or worse (we hope better).