The Melophobic: What Grinds Your Gears?

posted in: Features

As far as musicians and fans go, we all do PLENTY of complaining.  Simple grievances like, “Is the sound guy’s fohawk interfering with these mics or is he just a complete failure with the sound?” are pretty standard.  We even gripe about silly song topics and improper use of album art.  Whatever it may be, we all know that feeling: something you can’t seem to shake and MUST riff on for all who will listen.

I have worked to analyze the general show experiences and have determined some gear grinders that may be of interest to you before you play or attend your next show:


Hair-Dos and Don’ts

Generally hair-do’s are a turn on for most people but remember to keep it sensible. We’re all used to celebrities shaving their heads or doing ridiculous things for publicity but as usual, some people may think you’re just plain mental.

What Not to Wear

There are a few things you should keep in mind, in reference to clothing.  First of all, if it doesn’t flatter your body type, don’t wear it (especially now a days since any incriminating picture will be posted on the Internet in seconds). Of course, wear something comfortable and revealing enough to turn heads. Just make sure the heads aren’t turning AWAY.

Body Odor

This one’s pretty simple: no one likes to be near a smelly person at a concert, on or off the stage. Deodorant is key and should be essential to all concert attendees. So no matter what you’re doing at a show, remember some “DO” to avoid some “BO.”