The Melophobic: Band for Sale

posted in: Features

Through my daily surfing of the interwebs, I often come across many interesting stories of bands and their travels.  There’s really little that surprises me these days”we’ve all seen the funny videos, the unbelievable stories and even the unknown facts of Wikipedia.  After surfing through craigslist I found quite the attention-grabbing post, one that is hard to preface. See for yourself:

Attention: Artists, Fans, Music lovers, and all who will listen,

Through recent months, my life as an artist has changed dramatically.  Frankly, playing bars for small crowds, sunday through thursday loses it’s glimmer over time.  The days of crowd surfing around an entire club have come to end with with an abrupt fall to the cement, only feet from the stage.  Recently, I realized the chants of the “crowd” were actually mean taunts,”Yo Huck,” became “You suck.”  One guy even threw his full beer at one of our Orange amps.

The band feels this is all part of the game, but truly I do not.  Huck and The Master Blasters just doesn’t seem to have the same ring to it as it used to.  Our fan-base is getting old and stale (for me at least).

So heres what I propose: you buy the band from me since I not only started the band but own the copyright, trademarks and all songs written by the band.  For only a few hundred dollars you can own this and more.  Imagine owning your own band where you can do whatever you please: rock out at home or just take it on the road to make some cash.

It’s really up to you, what you do with the band, but you may not change the name.  Think of it as a remembrance of me.  Oh and the guys in the band are really awesome.  Buy them a case of redbull and they’ll be happy for a week.

The band includes two electric mouth harp players, a keytaurist, and a dj.

Winner is the highest bidder.

-Huck Adams.

Entertaining isn’t it? Now yes, Huck was responsible in protecting the tangible and intellectual properties of the band, however is this really how a successful band functions? Very unlikely. It’s important for an entire band to take part in decisions.

Not many bands face silly issues such as this ” the smart bands always seem to work through issues together. Now, many a band has sold themselves on ebay or craigslist for gigs, etc., but not many have literally sold out their bands in this manner. But with digital media these days, it is easy for a member of the band to make decisions that really should be fielded to the entire group. Hopefully someone in your band won’t the same mistake as Huck.