Winner Announced In The Magnum Live Large Project

posted in: OurStage Updates

All month long artists have been uploading their best original tracks to the “Magnum Live Large Project” Music Channel in order to show Ludacris how they maintain the Magnum Gold Standard.  Now, one lucky artist has earned the ultimate opportunity to fly to Atlanta, chill at the Magnum VIP event, head to Birthday Bash 15 and receive $5,000”presented to them by Ludacris himself. Not only does the winner get cold hard cash and party of a lifetime, but they also get their song played on local Radio One stations.

The winning artist is none other than homegrown Atlanta rhymer, RC. It is easy to see why RC was chosen”his winning track “Put It On” has a catchy hook that will certainly leave you humming the melody long after the end of the song. Using backing tracks provided by Ludacris’s label Disturbing Tha Peace, the song’s unique lyrics encourage listeners to keep everything safe. Check out to the winning track below.