Announcing The Winner Of The Ernie Ball Modern Rock Competition!

posted in: OurStage Updates

January 2011 marks the beginning of another year of channel sponsorships from the fine folks at Ernie Ball. But before we jump full swing into another exciting round of monthly competitions, we need to unveil December’s winner from the Modern Rock Channel. Jacob Heal entered OurStage’s Modern Rock Channel at the beginning of December with his song “I’ll Leave The Lights On For You When You Leave.” Heal then battled his way to the top of the channel and into the ears of the judges at OurStage and Ernie Ball to score a years supply of strings and accessories FREE from Ernie Ball! New strings keep the guitars sounding clean and powerful, and are an essential part of any gigging musicians gear. Let’s hope this prize keeps Heal rocking well into 2012. Ernie Ball will be giving away this awesome prize to a new artist in a different genre every month in 2011, so stay tuned to the blog to find out what channel they will be sponsoring next month. Currently, indie rockers are getting their shot at the stringsā€check out some of the top contenders in the playlist below. To enter or judge in this month’s Indie Rock Competition, click HERE.