Rapper's Delight: Strings In Hip Hop
posted in: Features • Reviews & Playlists
In the late ’70s, DJ Afrika Bambaataa defined the pillars of hip hop and helped establish the term hip hopĀ as more than just a genre of music. This weekly column will focus on the musicians behind the culture and the music they create. From album reviews to interviews, Rapper’s Delight will deliver unique content featuring a combination of OurStage artists and national acts. This opening post will give you a taste of how deep OurStage’s talent pool really is with a playlist highlighting strings in hip hop. Check back every Saturday for another dose of that real hip hop you crave!
There’s a lot of hip hop out there, and having a song stand out from the competition can be as important as it is daunting . Some artists toy around with instrumentation to grab your attention, throwing horns, guitar or piano into the mix to offer a change of pace that many fans enjoy. This playlist calls attention to tracks featuring strings, all from OurStage artists, so give it a listen and share your thoughts in the comment space below.