How Is This News? Christina Aguilera's Non-Famous Boyfriend

posted in: Music NewsPop

I understand that we’re a culture obsessed with celebrity, but when did we begin making people famous by association? Just because I know someone other people know doesn’t mean I need to be known as well. There should be no transitive property in real life, especially in places involving a cultural hierarchy. The famous are such (generally) for a reason. The fact someone else happens to know them doesn’t in turn make that friend someone that also deserves to be famous. Make sense?

This week’s “How Is This News?” is about those who simply have no reason to be in the news: The non-famous counter parts of any celebrity. Whether you’re a celeb’s friend, lover, mistress (though I do love a good scandal) or family member, you have no impact on my world and therefore shouldn’t be clogging the newswire with your antics. Case in point: Mattew Rutler, AKA, Christina Aguilera’s booze loving boyfriend. Rutler made headlines everywhere at the beginning of March when he was arrested alongside Aguilera for intoxication and hasn’t left since, even after all charges had been dropped.

Now let’s take a step back and look at this from a purely quantitative position. That’s over six weeks of media exposure and resources spent to cover a supposed crime involving an absolutely average person, am I the only one who sees a problem with that? I’m not saying Rutler is a nobody, he is surely known to his family, friends and those involved in the production side of the entertainment world where he’s worked for years (he met Aguilera on the set of Burlesque), but nothing about him justifies his presence on evening news reports and breaking TMZ announcements. He’s a guy with a famous girlfriend. That’s it. If anything, we should be asking him how he caught the attention of the “Genie In A Bottle” star in the first place (my guess is he told her Burlesque wasn’t the worst thing he’d ever seen).

Before this incredibly normal person gets even more exposure he doesn’t need or deserve, might I remind everyone what happened when we started caring about Kevin Federline? Let’s just agree that guys who come into the public eye because they’re dating a female starlet should be left alone and maybe we can save ourselves from another “Lose Control.” I mean seriously, does anyone really care that he drinks (potentially too much)? Public intoxication is a serious matter, which I would never make light of, but there are over 1,386,888 DUIs every year in the US alone. That’s over 3800 arrests a day. Does that fact you’re dating a now network TV star really separate you from the pack? No, not at all.