Finalists Announced For The Second Annual Intel Superstars Competition
posted in: OurStage Updates
Let’s face it, folks”being a superstar isn’t easy. But, these lucky six finalists sure fooled us. Each one battled to the top of their respective channels in the 2nd annual Intel® Superstars Competition, and are walking away with one hell of a prize package including an Intel® Core i7â„¢ processor-based Orange OPC, Cakewalk SONAR X1 Production Suite Software, a Yeti Pro from Blue Microphones and a Gibson USA Les Paul Studio 60s Tribute Darkback Electric Guitar! It’s practically an all-in-one home recording studio.
And, as if that wasn’t enough, they’re also in the running”along with the Top 20 artists from each of the six Superstars Channels”to win the $10,000 Grand Prize. Check out these rising superstars below!
Pop Finalist: Pullman Standard
Urban Finalist: Terri J-Songwriter
Latin Finalist: Gregory Telfort
Singer-Songwriter Finalist: Austin Renfroe
Rock Finalist: Specyphi
Country: Xolie Morra and The Strange Kind
**Xolie Morra and The Strange Kind won landslide victories in the Intel® “Superstars” Pop, Country and Singer-Songwriter channels, however due to the official rules the finalist prize was awarded to runner-ups in Pop and Singer-Songwriter.