Chirpify Turns Twitter Into Instant Online Merch Table

posted in: Music News

Chirpify, a digital startup that enables brands to sell their wares directly through a simple transaction on Twitter, is now venturing into the band merchandise business.

Touting its “frictionless one“step transactions,” Chirpify claims that it is about to revolutionize the way that digital and physical goods are bought and sold online. Through a partnership with PayPal, Chirpify allows Twitter users to buy music and merch directly from the bands they love simply by tweeting “BUY.” Once artists advertise their goods on Twitter, each “BUY” tweet from a fan generates a transaction that is instantly processed through PayPal.

Since its inception in April of this year, the company has grown from a single employee, founder Chris Teso, to about seven. The staff includes music maven Rory Felton, co“founder of The Militia Group, who says of the platform: “Chirpify is so simple yet so revolutionary “ it transforms Twitter from a broadcast platform into a transactional one.” While the full impact of Chirpify on the online merch business is yet to be seen, the future looks auspicious. The company has already raised $1.3 million in Series A funding and boasts heavyweight corporate clients such as Hewlett-Packard, Nestle, and Powerbar.


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