Daft Punk Stream 'Random Access Memories'

posted in: Music News

The problem with being one of the most popular musicians on the internet is that everyone is constantly doing whatever they can to get the next tidbit of information. Be it something as simple as an album title, as revealing as tour plans, or potentially financially crippling as leaking unreleased material, as fandom grows so does the difficulty of maintaining everyone’s excitement. We live in an instant gratification society, and people will do whatever they can to get that quick fix. The smart artist plan for this, and such is the case with electronica legends Daft Punk.

Random Access Memories is not scheduled for release until May 21, but on Monday, May 13, the album leaked online (in high quality). Given the way physical distribution works, Daft Punk and their label were unable to immediately put the album up for sale, so the band decided to do the next best thing: Stream it themselves.

Those hoping to hear the latest from Daft Punk can now stream Random Access Memories for free, legally, by heading over to iTunes. If you enjoy the record, you can also pre-order the album from the streaming page. Click here to access the album.