OurStage Artists Featured on AOL!

posted in: Artist FeaturesMusic News

Congratulations to Plushgun, Williams Riley, and NeverShoutNever! for their recent feature pieces over at AOL. After being featured here at OurStage in our blog, AOL has featured their music on their site. Check these artists out!

Plushgun: The soft indie sounds of this band as paired with the bold synth soundsdefine the name even before that first catchy chorus enters.Having begun the songwriting process like everyone else (acoustic guitar + small bedroom = musical genius?)Dan Ingala decided to take things in a new direction.Check out the catchy melodies and crunchy synth lines by joining their fan club!

Williams Riley Band: Tired of that same old “country” music you hear on the radio? Have a listen to Williams Riley Band then. The smooth, alternative melodies mixed with the traditional instrumentation make for a truly unique experience in the country/americana genre. Make sure to check out Makes Me Go La La to hear it for yourself!

NeverShoutNever!: If you haven’t heard of this young, online sensation then, well, where have you been? All it took was an acoustic guitar recorded in his basement to start up a chain reaction of word-of-mouth campaigns and online buzz, skyrocketting this self-starter into the public ear. Go behind the scenes with NeverShoutNever for a video shoot in this exclusive OurStage feature.

Congratulations again to these artists for their AOL Music Features. Keep up the good work!