Noise Pop Festival Announces OurStage Winners!

posted in: Artist FeaturesMusic News

Noise Pop is approaching again and the 2009 festival is shaping up to have an outstanding lineup. The Noise Pop channel on OurStage was a great success and OurStage artists are right on the front lines again this year. The winners from the channel are:

Scissors For Lefty: This upbeat, garage rock band was chosen by NoisePop to play the 2009 festival in the Noise Pop channel competition in October of 2008. They liken their sound to that of The Kinks and The Flaming Lips, among others. The classic, distinctive vocals are well supported by the thick, driving guitar lines and drum beats. Check out the teaser for their upcoming EP, which was the song that won them a spot in the upcoming festival!

Kings and Queens:This indie/alternative band has its influences placed in Neu!, Roxy Music, and Nick Drake. Appearing out of the conclusion of a previous project, “The Pleased”, Kings and Queens forge a new sound of their own with tight, yet ambient riffs underneath subtle vocal lines. Congratulations to these guys on their noise pop selection for November of 2008. Swing on over to their fanclub and listen for yourself!

Harbours: This band finds its sound intertwined with the indie pop genre and a hint of ’60s pop. The band’s self-proclaimed influences include Gino Washington, Spoon, and Badfinger. Their light vocals with tight harmonies compliment the driving, indie instrumentation so well that it seems that you just couldn’t have it any other way. It’s no wonder why Noise Pop took notice of their channel placement in December of 2008. Check them out!

Dizzy Balloon: “It’s not lazy, or boring, or melancholic. It’s a new generation of energetic, optimistic, well-crafted pop rock.” This self-statement by the band is simply the best way they can be described. Why settle for something average and run-of-the-mill when you can sit back and listen to these guys? With well-crafted guitar parts and cutting synth tracks, there’s just simply no reason not to give this band your full attention. Not to mention, their reputation of being a phenomenal live act. That’s why they are your winner for January 2009.

Again, congrats to these bands. Check them out, tearing up the stage at Noise Pop 2009 if you get the chance. Want more Noise Pop music? Check out last years winners!