
Sell-Out: Is Music Licensing The Saving Grace For Artist Income?

posted: October 10, 2012

Let me just bypass the whole “record industry is failing” and “illegal downloading is on the rise” introduction. We all know that professional musicians need to get paid, but this means finding new means of…
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Judge For The "Rock Boat Lucky 13" Competition!

posted: October 9, 2012

This month OurStage is hosting a competition that will send some lucky, talented winners off to sea. Artists will compete for a chance to perform on the 13th annual Rock Boat, a cruise packed with all…
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Death Cab For Cutie's Ben Gibbard Streams Debut Solo Album

posted: October 9, 2012

Indie rock band Death Cab For Cutie‘s frontman Ben Gibbard has recorded his first official solo album entitled Former Lives. According to Rolling Stone, the singer/songwriter says that hese songs span from the past eight years…
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Coldplay Release New Video: Introduction To New Comic Book Series

posted: October 8, 2012

Coldplay have premiered a new music video for their single “Hearts Like Heaven,” featuring footage adapted from their upcoming comic book series. That’s right, Coldplay are making comic books now. The video is an introduction…
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Andrew W.K. To Send One Million Volts Of Electricity Through David Blaine's Body Using Keyboard

posted: October 5, 2012

Happy-go-lucky party-rock guru Andrew W.K. will be helping illusionist David Blaine with one of his most daring stunts yet. W.K. will be performing a solo on a keyboard that will send one million volts of…
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SoundTrax: Songs For Autumn

posted: October 5, 2012

Songs For Autumn from OurStage on 8tracks Radio. Autumn is finally here, and we all know what that means! Sweaters, pumpkin things, warm apple cider, and great music! Here’s a nice soundtrack to autumn by…
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