Just Dance

posted in: Artist FeaturesRock

Moving Picture Show

There are times, after one too many cups of coffee or a heated exchange, when your body gets hot, your blood starts buzzing and you feel like if you don’t move, like RIGHT NOW, you may explode into million pieces. This is exactly the sort of adrenaline rush that courses through the music of L.A.’s Moving Picture Show. But instead of urging you to jump out of your skin or throw a punch, these guys want you to dance it out. Resistance is futile, especially if you’re starting with the tangled guitars and synth spasms of Perfect World. Just try and keep your Converse off the dance floor. Games Without Frontiers is sexy, stylized dance rock that lurches and struts, while Control Freak is dapper, subversive and drenched in minor key dread. Irresistibly kinetic, utterly cool, Moving Picture Show is destined to be a dance party staple. Put them on, turn up the volume and let them rock that body.