Home Kaki King

Album Review: Kaki King – "Glow"

posted: October 24, 2012

For fans of Kaki King, if you are like me, then you probably miss hearing her lyric-less ambient acoustic guitar playing. Understandably so, since this is originally how the songwriter-singer”because her vocals really are secondary…
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Sell-Out: Is Music Licensing The Saving Grace For Artist Income?

posted: October 10, 2012

Let me just bypass the whole “record industry is failing” and “illegal downloading is on the rise” introduction. We all know that professional musicians need to get paid, but this means finding new means of…
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SoundTrax: Silently Sleeping

posted: March 21, 2012

In the age of the playlist, everyone has access to collections of songs hacked together due to arbitrary similarities. But what does that accomplish other than aid our forever shortening attention span, while making the…
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