posted in: Artist FeaturesRock

The salad days of Clarias

The salad days of Clarias

What’s the quickest way to link Nickelback to Kanye West? It may be via a band from Boston named Clarias, who’ve shared the stage with both. This should give you two clues about their music:  (a) it can and will get epic on you and (b) it demands you shake whatever it is you’re working with.

For a band who started off as college rock, Clarias is as mercurial as hell. Take, for example, the song Wonder/Wander off their new album The Days of The Getaway. What starts off as  funk rock on hyper speed, complete with Doobie Brothers-worthy riffs, segues into frenetic pop rock with guitars that rear up and demand that you dance, like RIGHT NOW. Then there’s WINOK (an acronym for What If No One Knows), a poly-rhythmic, multi-part rock odyssey that shimmers and soars. Fans of Dave Matthews Band will find plenty to like here. Oddly enough, Clarias hasn’t played with those guys yet. Maybe next tour.
