posted in: Rock
Nearly two decades have passed since Megadeth‘s crown jewel Rust in Peace came out in 1990. In the ensuing years, Megadeth put out some quality releases (such as Countdown to Extinction) and some not-so-good releases (nothing tops the sheer awfulness of Risk). Regardless of the quality of the albums since Rust in Peace, the band and their music just hasn’t been the same. Fortunately, Endgame is a return to form. Hands down their best release since Countdown to Extinction, Megadeth are back to being good ole classic Megadeth.

Cover of Megadeth's Endgame
Endgame starts in a very unexpected way, with a riff from “Dialectic Chaos” that sounds as though it was lifted straight from Wolfmother’s “The Joker & The Thief” (don’t worry, it is only in passing). Soon after, the album is off to the races. With an abundance of shred and attitude, Endgame keeps a boot to your throat through the first couple songs. The second that “44 Minutes” comes on (with a guitar lick that lets you know it’s time to sit down, shut up, and pay attention) you finally realize that Megadeth really is back. Track after track, this album proves the band is not just going through the motions as they had done at times on their more recent albums. Every song works, and is filled with genuine emotion. For someone who did not know better, it would be a tough task to distinguish Endgame from Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying? or Rust in Peace, aside from the slightly modernized mastering (i.e. old stuff was a little more raw).
It’s no surprise that Endgame is receiving a lot of well deserved positive reviews. Dave Mustaine made sure that he dotted his i’s and crossed his t’s in replicating the old Megadeth sound. The only difference now is that they cranked it to eleven (one louder), so to speak. For those who were never fans of Megadeth, this album is not likely to make you a fan, as good as it is. But for anyone who has been a fan of Megadeth in the past, this album is sure to wet your whistle.
Track pick: “Endgame” – No track on the album exemplifies the old Megadeth better than this. Some good slow chugging guitars, and plenty of attitude in Dave’s voice. I can almost hear the words “Waddaya mean I don’t believe in God? I talk to him every day.”
Check out the first video from Endgame titled “Headcrusher.”