The Passion of the Synth

posted in: Artist FeaturesRock

City City

Can man love machine? It’s a theme that’s been explored exhaustively, from Blade Runner to Small Wonder. Time and time again, the answer seems to be a resounding yes. Chalk City City up as more evidence to build the case. The LA electro-pop outfit builds towering monuments of synths, samplers and laptops. Within seconds of listening to the ultra-cool Of Sands Beneath, listeners are introduced to The Machine: wiry, grinding guitar gives way to an exploding cascade of synths and skittering, ersatz drum beats. Analog is dead, technology is king and resistance is futile. From the crystalline, slightly precious Oh Chandelier to the hyper, delirious Ring the Bells, City City marries their looming synthetic textures and beats with cool, ethereal (and thankfully human) vocals. Theirs is a match made in heaven ¦ or in some lab in Silicon Valley.