Metal Monday: Brutal Truth Q&A
posted in: Exclusive Interviews • Rock

OS: End Time is the second album since the your nearly decade-long hiatus. How different did it feel with End Time than Evolution Through Revolution now that you’ve had a bigger chance to gain momentum?
BT: We were a little more relaxed because the pressure was off to show the world that we were back. With Evolution, I think there was an unconscious need to make a really hammering record since it was the first BT release in twelve years, and we knew expectations were going to be high. Once that was accomplished, we decided to mix it up a little more on End Time. Sure, there’s still totally chaotic, hi-speed grind all over it, but we threw in some mid-paced and dirgy stuff too, just to keep it interesting for ourselves. This was not a conscious decision, it just happened that way.
OS: So, tell us about some of the themes on End Time. Are they much different from the stuff from former albums?
BT: The unifying theme is apocalypse, that’s all I really know since I don’t write them.

BT: We just wanted good old-fashioned grindcore artwork that reflects the music. It suggests a feeling of foreboding, an ominous visual that syncs up perfectly with our music and lyrics. Everything (artwork, lyrics, music) should be different aspects of one concept.
OS: The last track on End Time, Control Room”is that the longest piece of music Brutal Truth as has done as a band? How did that track come about?
BT: That is actually the brainchild of our drummer Rich, there are no guitars or bass on this song, it’s just a bunch of loops he compiled with drums under them and vocals over them. We just like to keep it interesting, and if people don’t like this track they can turn it off, that’s one reason that it’s last.
OS: You guys have had some pretty classic music videos (including the incredibly brief Collateral Damage and comical Sugardaddy)”what can we expect for music videos from the Brutal Truth camp?
BT: I think we plan on doing a video for the title track, it’s just a question of when we can get together with the dude who did Sugardaddy, (he’s on the West Coast), and as for the concept of the video, that remains to be seen I suppose.

BT: It definitely helps ˜cos it keeps us pure. If guys in the band wanna play punk rock or black metal (like me with Nokturnal Hellstorm), we get it out of our systems instead of diluting BT’s grindcore attack.
OS: You guys are obvious supporters of marijuana, and you’re not the only grind band to fully support it (Cephalic Carnage, for example, are huge supporters). What is it about grind and weed that just fit together?
BT: Not sure, but it definitely helps keep our music out there and unique. This way, we play really fast and also really weird!
Definitely check out Brutal Truth if you aren’t already familiar. Who knows, they might just convert you into being a grind freak. End Time is currently on sale at Brutal Truth’s Bandcamp page, as well as a litany of other locations for the low price of only $10. Twenty-three ripping grindcore tracks for $10? Sounds like a steal to me!
Brutal Truth/Relapse Records haven’t released a video from End Time yet, but you can check out the video for “Sugardaddy” from Evolution Through Revolution below: