My Sunny Valentine
posted in: Artist Features • Rock

Sunshine Factory
Bands like Sunshine Factory rarely lock eyes with their adoring fans, since they’re often staring down at the ground, transfixed by their art. Such is the effect of shoegaze”a style of music known for its hypnotic blend of guitar dissonance and indecipherable vocals. But Sunshine Factory bring the vocals more into the forefront so you can actually sing along. And you’ll want to. My Sugar Cane is noise pop with gossamer vocals, undulating soundscapes, guitars that send up drifts of fuzz and keyboards that sound like they’re short circuiting. On Domino, Sunshine Factory takes you through distortion and clarity, merging raw post punk with haunting, gothic instrumentals. Twisted in Clover harkens back to the early ˜90s when atonal guitars were king. Surges of jarring feedback and vocals that double as opiates”those are the kind of diametric opposites we can get down with.