Metal Monday: Summer Video Roundup
posted in: Rock

First up is the lead single from Periphery‘s latest album, Periphery II. It’s a great song and even better video.
Next is the somewhat-tough-to-follow but visually stunning video for Converge‘s “Aimless Arrow,” which appears to be the lead single for their upcoming album All We Love We Leave Behind.
If you already know who High on Fire are, it shouldn’t really be a surprise to know that they put out the most stonerific video to hit metal since Sleep‘s Dopesmoker (another Matt Pike creation). High on Fire’s video for “Fertile Green” is exactly that.
Changing pace, here’s “If He Dies, He Dies” by Glass Cloud”a dark, morbid, and jarring tale spliced together with some cool footage of the band playing in a barn (somewhat typical, but well done).
Now, not everyone likes to be bummed out after watching a music video, so let’s liven things up with “FEBN” by Trash Talk. Simple video, lots of shenanigans, and the fine gentlemen from Odd Future.
And last, but certainly not least, is “No One Survives” by Nekrogoblikon. While the other videos in this post are all great, this one certainly takes the cake. I won’t spoil the fun with a detailed description. Just watch for yourself.
Was that the collection of the best metal videos from this past summer? Did I make any obvious omissions? If you didn’t like any of these videos, then make sure you complain about my taste in the comments!