Rise Against Stream "Sight Unseen"

posted in: Music NewsRock

Chicago punk outfit Rise Against made a new single available for streaming entitled, “Sight Unseen.”

Premiering online at some point in the last twenty-four hours, “Sight Unseen” is the latest song to surface off Rise Against’s forthcoming b-sides and rarities compilation. The song is a straightforward rock song with elements of punk riddled throughout. The date of the recording has not been revealed at this time, but it sounds like the kind of song that could have been released alongside The Sufferer & the Witness back in 2006. You can stream the single below.

Long Forgotten Songs: B-Sides & Covers 2000 “ 2013 is scheduled for release September 10. Comment below and let us know your thoughts on “Sight Unseen.” We’ll post more material from the album as it is made available.