
Monday, August 13, 2012

posted: August 13, 2012

This was just waiting to be made. One wonders if Appetite would have sold as well with this artwork. At least now R.Kelly won’t monopolize the free salsa lessons. File under “surprising.” And just when…
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Friday, August 10, 2012

posted: August 10, 2012

Adam Yauch: smart man. A suitable set of influences. This is gonna be one hell of a ceremony. Kanye’s bass finally drops. I’d drive recklessly too if I had a ’63 Corvette. Chuck D weighs…
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Thursday, August 9, 2012

posted: August 9, 2012

I’m too sexy for my¦Nivea? Total cop out, Deadmau5. Sure it would have been, Guetta. CNN is just having an unlucky summer. Let’s hope not. Hustlaz Ambition indeed.
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Exclusive Q and A: Transit Talk Boston Band Scene & Their First Warped Experience

posted: August 9, 2012

After building up a sizable fanbase through several years of steadily touring and releasing numerous albums, Boston-based Transit finally scored a spot on the Vans Warped Tour this summer. It’s rare for first-time bands to play at…
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Air Traffic Controller Takes Off With 'NORDO'

posted: August 7, 2012

“Thinking of You,” the final track on Air Traffic Controller’s new album NORDO begins just like any other folky love song. Bandleader Dave Munro quietly strums his acoustic guitar, languidly composing a simple song “for a…
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Chirpify Turns Twitter Into Instant Online Merch Table

posted: August 7, 2012

Chirpify, a digital startup that enables brands to sell their wares directly through a simple transaction on Twitter, is now venturing into the band merchandise business. Touting its “frictionless one“step transactions,” Chirpify claims that it is…
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