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The Passion of the Synth

posted: March 17, 2010

Can man love machine? It’s a theme that’s been explored exhaustively, from Blade Runner to Small Wonder. Time and time again, the answer seems to be a resounding yes. Chalk City City up as more…
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3OH!3's hybrid style

posted: February 26, 2009

Today, the music industry is all about finding a unique sound, and the boys of 3OH!3 took that concept to the extreme. To get a sense of their hybrid style and immense buzz worthiness, just…
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Plushgun sure can throw a party!

posted: February 20, 2009

What do you get when you combine late-night dancing, upbeat electro-indie, glow sticks/necklaces, and a lot of jumping? Well, a Plushgun show, of course! A new CD release party, actually. Last night, Plushgun tore up…
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Plushgun releases debut album "Pins and Panzers"

posted: February 16, 2009

Plushgun started like a lot of other musical projects: Singer Dan Ingala writing songs on his acoustic guitar in his overpriced and undersized ˜bedroom’ in New York City. He decided to go in a new…
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