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Mellow Rockers Misions Win Mentoring Session With Bruce Tyler

posted: June 17, 2011

Take the piano steady drive of Coldplay, the sonic aesthetic of Grizzly Bear and shake it all up with some good ol’ fashioned pop writing and you’ve got Misions. The Henryetta, OK quartet has been…
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All Found Out Win A One-On-One With Bruce Tyler

posted: May 13, 2011

After a long journey, the second round of OurStage’s “Artist Access” Competition is over and a decision has been made. The Dallas-based rock group All Found Out secured a trip to NYC to learn firsthand from…
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Industrial Revolution: "Grey's Anatomy" Killed The Radio Star

posted: April 13, 2011

It’s official. TV is the new radio. Television is now the primary medium through which casual and even passive listeners with a general interest in music stand the greatest chance of discovering new music and…
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New Artist Access Competition Gives Artists The Edge

posted: March 9, 2011

The music industry is a brave new world fueled by advancements in technology that make it easier to create music and access music lovers. However, this innovation raises an important question: How do aspiring artists…
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Rock 'n' Roll Call: Playlist for an Autumn Day

posted: October 26, 2010

The leaves have changed, the temperature has dropped…there’s no doubt that it’s officially fall. Before the really cold weather starts to set in, sometimes it’s nice to go for a walk with some hot chocolate…
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iRock: A'tris

posted: April 27, 2010

Since the birth of music, mankind has been trading and passing down stories through song.  To set the mood, musicians provide instrumentation to back the vocalist which helps embellish the melodies, creates images and, of…
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